Communication Approaches

We understand the importance of communication in maintaining and strengthening relationships. We also believe that speaking face to face is the most effective kind of communication and invite you to speak with us each and every day. We believe that the community that maintains open communication thrives. The more connected ‘home’ and ‘Dripstone’ are the more meaningful our curriculum planning and practices can be. Aside from conversations we also provide the following opportunities for communication with our families:

The Six Seeds

Valuing the voices of children is central to all that we do. As such you'll find that we document with and for children as opposed to simply 'about' them. We understand that family life with little people gets busy and that, at times, it can be tricky to stay across everything. The Six Seeds approach is designed to evidence our philosophy and share examples of your child’s involvement in our curriculum, while assisting you to remain up to date with our current projects, and upcoming events. The Dripstone Way's Six Seeds consists of;

Quality Improvement Plan

Journey of Me

Project Book

Dripstone Playbook

Communication Book

Children’s Committee book.

Stay and Play!

We actively encourage our families to stay and play at the centre at drop-off and pick-up, our doors are always open. Families can also call the centre anytime to speak us.

'The Journey of Me'

We know that it's less about the 'destination' and more about the 'journey' and what occurs along the way. 'The Journey of Me' is a collection of memories, stories and examples of your child’s involvement and progress during their time here at Dripstone.

Digital communication 

Although face-to-face and written communications through the Six Seeds are the most effective way to remain up to date with your child's progress at Dripstone we also utilise digital communication methods. When it comes to Facebook regardless of whether your children attend Dripstone, are on the waiting list or you are simply interested in knowing more about what we do, our Facebook page is for you. We invite you to pop over and give us a blue thumb and keep up to date with what we are doing.

Social events

  • Parent/Educator evenings and workshops
  • Family gatherings including family dinners and BBQ's, working bees, and celebrations.
  • Community Events